You are here: Client menu > TRANSACTIONS > Assigned Payments View
Assigned Payments View

Depending on the view and search criteria selected, the transaction summary tab may display posted and unposted invoices, total balance due, payments received against an invoice as well as payment advances displayed as invoices or residuals on the client’s account. The Assigned Payments view is specific to invoices that affect the client's account receivable balance.

Important: When changing views on the transaction summary tab, keep in mind that the values set in the [Show] filter search criteria settings will always determine what is displayed.

Note: Changing the default search criteria will alter the results described here.

To Access the Transaction Summary

The transaction summary tab can be accessed at either the client or policy level.

  1. On the Primary menu, click SEARCH. Search for the appropriate client.
  2. Click the Details icon next to the client.
  3. On the Client menu, click TRANSACTIONS. The transactions summary tab is displayed.


On the Client menu, click POLICIES. Click the Details icon next to the desired policy. Then, click the transactions tab. The transactions summary screen is displayed.

  1. In the Select View list, select Assigned Payments.
  2. In the Search Filter area, click [Show] to reveal and modify the search criteria.

  1. In the Search Criteria area, the following options are available:

Note: Selecting Save Filter Settings will save the filter criteria only for the view selected. To save filter settings on other views in the transaction summary tab, the Save Filter Settings check box must again be selected when in those views.

  1. In the Sort Order area, the following options are available:

Important: Clicking Clear does not clear the Save Filter Settings check box. All other filter criteria will be removed. 

Note: If an asterisk * is displayed in the transaction Status column, an Internal Note has been added to the transaction. Pause the pointer over the asterisk to view the Internal Note pop-up.